Machine Lines

Generic GPU Kernels

Julia has a library called CUDAnative, which hacks the compiler to run your code on GPUs.

using CuArrays, CUDAnative

xs, ys, zs = CuArray(rand(1024)), CuArray(rand(1024)), CuArray(zeros(1024))

function kernel_vadd(out, a, b)
  i = (blockIdx().x-1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
  out[i] = a[i] + b[i]

@cuda (1, length(xs)) kernel_vadd(zs, xs, ys)

@assert zs == xs + ys

Is this better than writing CUDA C? At first, it’s easy to mistake this for simple syntactic convenience, but I’m convinced that it brings something fundamentally new to the table. Julia’s powerful array abstractions turn out to be a great fit for GPU programming, and it should be of interest to GPGPU hackers regardless of whether they use the language already.

A New Dimension

For numerics experts, one of Julia’s killer features is its powerful N-dimensional array support. This extends not just to high-level “vectorised” operations like broadcasting arithmetic, but also to the inner loops in the lowest-level kernels. For example, take a CPU kernel that adds two 2D arrays:

function add!(out, a, b)
  for i = 1:size(a, 1)
    for j = 1:size(a, 2)
      out[i,j] = a[i,j] + b[i,j]

This kernel is fast, but hard to generalise across different numbers of dimensions. The change needed to support 3D arrays, for example, is small and mechanical (add an extra inner loop), but we can’t write it using normal functions.

Julia’s code generation enables an elegant, if slightly arcane, solution:

using Base.Cartesian

@generated function add!(out, a, b)
  N = ndims(out)
    @nloops $N i out begin
      @nref($N, out, i) = @nref($N, a, i) + @nref($N, b, i)

The @generated annotation allows us to hook into Julia’s code specialisation; when the function receives matrices as input, our custom code generation will create and run a twice-nested loop. This will behave the same as our add! function above, but for arrays of any dimension. If you remove @generated you can see the internals.

julia> using MacroTools
julia> add!(zs, xs, ys) |> macroexpand |> MacroTools.prettify
    for i_2 = indices(out, 2)
        for i_1 = indices(out, 1)
            out[i_1, i_2] = a[i_1, i_2] + b[i_1, i_2]

If you try it with, say, a seven dimensional input, you’ll be glad you didn’t have to write the code yourself.

for i_7 = indices(out, 7)
  for i_6 = indices(out, 6)
    for i_5 = indices(out, 5)
      for i_4 = indices(out, 4)
        for i_3 = indices(out, 3)
          for i_2 = indices(out, 2)
            for i_1 = indices(out, 1)
              out[i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7] = a[i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7] + b[i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4, i_5, i_6, i_7]
# Some output omitted

Base.Cartesian is a powerful framework and has many more elegant tools, but that illustrates the core point.

Here’s a bonus. Addition clearly makes sense over any number of input arrays. The same tools we used for generic dimensionality can be used to generalise the number of inputs, too:

@generated function addn!(out, xs::Vararg{Any,N}) where N
    for i = 1:length(out)
      out[i] = @ncall $N (+) j -> xs[j][i]

Again, remove the @generated to see what’s happening:

julia> addn!(zs, xs, xs, ys, ys) |> macroexpand |> MacroTools.prettify
  for i = 1:length(out)
    out[i] = (xs[1])[i] + (xs[2])[i] + (xs[3])[i] + (xs[4])[i]

If we put this together we can make an N-dimensional, N-argument version of kernel_vadd on the GPU (where @cuindex hides the messy ND indexing):

@generated function kernel_vadd(out, xs::NTuple{N}) where N
    I = @cuindex(out)
    out[I...] = @ncall $N (+) j -> xs[j][I...]

@cuda (1, length(xs)) kernel_vadd(zs, (xs, ys))

This short kernel can now add any number of arrays of any dimension; is it still just “CUDA with Julia syntax”, or is it something more?

Functions for Nothing

Julia has more tricks up its sleeve. It automatically specialises higher-order functions, which means that if we write:

function kernel_zip2(f, out, a, b)
  i = (blockIdx().x-1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
  out[i] = f(a[i], b[i])

@cuda (1, length(xs)) kernel_zip2(+, zs, xs, ys)

It behaves and performs exactly like kernel_vadd; but we can use any binary function without extra code. For example, we can now subtract two arrays:

@cuda (1, length(xs)) kernel_zip2(-, zs, xs, ys)

Combining this with the above, we have all the tools we need to write a generic broadcast kernel (if you’re unfamiliar with array broadcasting, think of it as a slightly more general map). This is implemented in the CuArrays package loaded earlier, so you can immediately write:

julia> σ(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))

julia> σ.(xs)
1024-element CuArray{Float64,1}:

(Which, if we generalise kernel_vadd in the ways outlined above, is just an “add” using the σ function and a single input.)

There’s no hint of it in our code, but Julia will compile a custom GPU kernel to run this high-level expression. Julia will also fuse multiple broadcasts together, so if we write an expression like

y .= σ.(Wx .+ b)

This creates a single kernel call, with no memory allocation or temporary arrays required. Pretty cool – and well out of the reach any other system I know of.

& Derivatives for Free

If you look at the original kernel_vadd above, you’ll notice that there are no types mentioned. Julia is duck typed, even on the GPU, and this kernel will work for anything that supports the right operations.

For example, the inputs don’t have to be CuArrays, as long as they look like arrays and can be transferred to the GPU. If we add a range of numbers to a CuArray like so:

@cuda (1, length(xs)) kernel_vadd(xs, xs, 1:1024)

The range 1:1024 is never actually allocated in memory; the elements [1, 2, ..., 1024] are computed on-the-fly as needed on the GPU. The element type of the array is also generic, and only needs to support +; so Int + Float64 works, as above, but we can also use user-defined number types.

A powerful example is the dual number. A dual number is really a pair of numbers, like a complex number; it’s a value that carries around its own derivative.

julia> using ForwardDiff
julia> f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 3

julia> x = ForwardDiff.Dual(5, 1)

julia> f(x)

The final Dual carries the value that we expect from f (5^2 + 2*x + 3 == 38), but also the derivative (2x + 2 == 12).

Dual numbers have an amazingly high power:simplicity ratio and are really fast, but are completely impractical in most languages. Julia makes it simple, and moreover, a vector of dual numbers will transparently do the derivative computation on the GPU.

julia> xs = CuArray(ForwardDiff.Dual.(1:1024, 1))

julia> f.(xs)
1024-element CuArray{ForwardDiff.Dual{Void,Int64,1},1}:

julia> σ.(xs)
1024-element CuArray{ForwardDiff.Dual{Void,Float64,1},1}:

Not only is there no overhead compared to hand-writing the necessary cuda kernel for this; there’s no overhead at all! In my benchmarks, taking a derivative using dual numbers is just as fast as computing only the value with raw floats. Pretty impressive.

In machine learning frameworks, it’s common to need a “layer” for each possible activation function: sigmoid, relu, tanh etc. Having this trick in our toolkit means that backpropagation through any scalar function will work for free.

Overall, GPU kernels in Julia are amazingly generic, across types, dimensions and arity. Want to broadcast an integer range, a dual-number matrix, and a 6D array of floats? Go ahead, and a single, extremely fast GPU kernel will give you the result.

xs = CuArray(ForwardDiff.Dual.(randn(100,100), 1))
ys = CuArray(randn(1, 100, 5, 5, 5))
(1:100) .* xs ./ ys
100×100×5×5×5 Array{ForwardDiff.Dual{Void,Float64,1},5}:
[:, :, 1, 1, 1] =
   Dual{Void}(0.0127874,-0.427122)     Dual{Void}(-0.908558,-0.891798)
   Dual{Void}(0.97554,-2.56273)        Dual{Void}(-8.22101,-5.35079)
  Dual{Void}(-7.13571,-4.27122)          Dual{Void}(2.14025,-8.91798)

The full broadcasting machinery in CuArrays is 60 lines long. While not completely trivial, this is an incredible amount of functionality to get from this much code. CuArrays itself is under 400 source lines, while providing almost all general array operations (indexing, concatenation, permutedims etc) in a similarly generic way.

Julia’s ability to spit out specialised code is unprecedented, and I’m excited to see where this leads in future. For example, it would be relatively easy to build a Theano-like framework in Julia, and create specialised kernels for larger computations. Either way, I think we’ll be hearing more about Julia and GPUs as time goes on.

Full credit for the work behind this to Tim Besard and Jarrett Revels, respective authors of the amazing CUDAnative and ForwardDiff.

  title = {{Generic GPU Kernels}},
  url = {},
  author = {Innes, Michael John},
  year = {2017},
  month = {August},
  note = {Accessed: }

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